my blender customizations


i got some different key bindings.
all the addons i use will be described in separate post.

  • all my layouts have ’lock to 3d cursor’ checked.
    i can’t imagine my life without 3d cursor now, this tool is simply genius.

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  • modeling workspace turned to object mode by default.

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  • default rendering engine is switched to cycles.

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  • light is changed to sun with the strength of 3.

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  • shading section has an option to toggle ‘selectable’.

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  • first layout called ’layout’ is turned into full 3d visualization.

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  • i’ve created separate collections for cameras and light, also turned ‘selectable’ restriction to visible, so i can make ‘cameras’ and ’lights’ collections unselectable to prevent accidental move. ‘wip’ collection for things i model atm, ‘main’ for finished things and ‘ref’ for references.

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  • when i hit f12 (render button) i expect to see my interface untouched, i want to see my render only in ‘image view’ as ‘render result’, so in system settings go to interface:

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  • length of backup sequence is 4 copies and timer is 5 mins, so i can have a 20min earlier copy in case i’ve lost something without noticing it.

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  • resolution - 30% from 1080p, frame rate - 60fps, auto save render (from addon ‘auto save render’).

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  • samples set to 500 for both viewport and render

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  • transparent background.

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  • snap type is vertex, so i can snap to vertecies while holding ctrl.

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  • auto merge is on. remember, if the threshold is too low, you can sometimes have an issue, that when you grab a bunch of vertices which are too close to each other, they will disappear (they will be automerged).

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  • if you want to have ambient occlusion in the ‘material preview’, go switch the main renderer to eevee, turn on AO and switch back.

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  • clip start is set to .001 in all tabs, so some parts of the model won’t be cut away in the viewport when you zoom in.

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  • even though I have my cameras collection unselectable,

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sometimes I need to make changes and turn them back on. And I may accidently drag their handles of lens and focal distance:

So in my startup file these handles are turned off by default:

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